General information

When you will planning a visit to Saransk, choose one of the largest and most comfortable hotels of the city with the same name - «Saransk».
Hotel «Saransk» is situated in the center of city, heart of the business and cultural life of the capital. It is close to government and government institutions, banks, cultural and historical attractions, shopping and entertainment centers.

Our Hotel has more then 40 years of experience which harmoniously combines the best traditions of hospitality and modern living conditions.

The hotel staff is famous by their professionalism and high service culture. If you are staying in our Hotel, you will get first-class service, friendly and hospitable atmosphere, care and attention 24 hours a day.

The room number in the hotel «Saransk» is one of the biggest in the city. There are more than 100 rooms of different comfort levels. A large variety of services provide by our Hotel will make your stay comfortable and interesting and it doesn’t matter if your trip is a business trip or a just a private journey.

Services are without extra pay
Booking hotel services
24-hour reception and accommodation
Daily maid service
Using of wireless internet
Cable TV
Using of the storage room
Using of an ironing room
Wake-up call for a certain time
Taxi ordering
Call an ambulance, other special services
Using of a medical first-aid kit
Delivery of correspondence addressed to the Guest
Services for additional pay
Long distance and international telephone communication
Turkish Bath «Hamam»

It is a unique compromise of the cost and service quality that will please you.

Welcome to the Hotel «Saransk»!

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